Dota Guide & Item Build for Vengeful Spirit
Shendelzare Silkwood the Vengeful Spirit
Alt+Tab Mini Guide.
Oh one more thing.
To understand where I am coming from I am of the believing that any sec used at fountain is a wasted second and the second you can't cast a spell because of low mana cost you are losing out on your potential.
Magic Missile
Magic Missile is a simple awesome nuke. It stuns, it gives amazing damage and it's always surprise people how dangerous the spell is.
The problem can be to have enough mana to support it but their is of course a solution for that as well. I will come back on this in the item section.
Remember always to cast it if the enemies goes back a second to late so the creeps can get an attack in as well. This way you can get the most out of your wave of terror effect as well.
Wave of Terror
Wave of Terror is a great spell and I probably cast it over twice as much as I cast Magic Missile. The reason for this is that it gives sight and has a low stable mana cost. It has the opportunity of being one of the best support and hunting spells out their, in my opinion. Because as long as you know what you are doing, you will have no trouble being within sight of the enemies you and your team are chasing. The importance of sight gets more and more important as you get better because knowing - is half the battle.
Remember that Wave of Terror has the biggest impact early on, versus later because the enemy heroes will have better items with armor bonuses or agility bonuses. Before you know it they will have over 10 armor and Wave of Terror's golden days will be gone.
Remember that you are able to pull camps with it as well.
Command Aura
Command Aura is a great passive though you should think twice of choosing it in your early game. Early game it is close to be a free quelling blade which you should rather buy if you're really that bad at last hitting. The great thing about the command aura is the extra damage given to your creeps that will make it easier for you to push - With that said, the alternatives for use of skill points are way better in my opinion.
Nether Swap
This ultimate is so unique and extraordinary that the sky is the limit. Because of it's, in many ways, weird effect it has some really useful ways of disabling spells such as charge of darkness or a incoming bolt of damage. It is also a fearsome offensive attack because you are able to rip the enemy team's "front line" apart or saving your teammates from the heat of battle. Note that this might not always be the best choice at level 6 compared to leveling your wave of terror since swap really isn't that game changing in a offensive attack if you already got a teammate ready to disable.
Vengeful Spirit got some of the best opportunities for being a great pusher and her command aura and Wave of Terror makes pushing the easiest thing ever invented. If everything goes right. This build will make you able to push the first tower in all three lanes in no time. The main focus is to support the creeps and ward the forest/runes while the courier gives you potions and tangos. Don't go further then the first tower because of the early push of first tower your hero will be in no shape for a gank on you of any kind. Depending on how well your lane is doing you can always deviate from the build by taking a magic missile along the ride so you don't waste skill point on creeps for no reason.
When the pushing is done you should be able to get HotD and turn to the forest to dominate a creep and start ganging like there was no tomorrow. If it isn't possible, forest since your HotD will make you able to do it permanently while your team gain exp from their lanes.
If everything turns to shit because they focus you like your where made of glass. Pick bonus attributes. I know it hurts but your experience bar and money capital will thank you later.
This is of course the most obvious magic missile focused build. So you lurk around and play it cool. Last hit here and there, which can be a bit hard in the start depending on what situational survival items you choose to buy. You wait and you wait. Cast your nuke once for twice before level 6 just to keep them away, and you already got the ring of basilius so your mana reg is in tact, so you go somewhere he can't see you, throw wave of terror from the shadows, so he thinks you are around and at the time he realize that you are gone rouge, you should already be ganking a new target. Now depending on your friends and their lane control another level in wave of terror might be better than a nether swap if you gank to the sides. Nether swap is almost always a better choice mid because of the ledges. If you die at any given time, the rule is that you take in stat at level 4 or if they are taking over in the lane.
First off - Vengeful Spirit of all heroes were meant to buy wards and a courier, if someone want to share the burden and upgrade or place wards, let them do so, but you got to have this covered. You need these two things as a part of your core build - always. At level 6 and further on you will get more out of wards then pretty much everyone else. It is way better to swap an enemy that thinks he is out of sight and waiting for a friend then swapping him thinking he was alone, only to realize that they were rallying somewhere nasty. Beside that your hero doesn't need to rush any items to succeed in doing what she want. She will get her money from creeps and the towers she leaves in the dust. So buy wards and a fully upgraded courier instead. The main focus is to stay roaming for experience and kills, while thinking about what is best for the team.
If you don't know where to put the wards press here.
Vengeful Spirit is in no hurry to get extra ordinary things. Vengeful Spirit need the experience and to do so, you will do wise to adapt to your enemies.
Depending on what lane you are going, watch who you are against and then buy what you need from there.
Before we go into the rest of the item build discussion there is one item that is map dependent in my opinion.
I will recommend that you only buy bottle if you are mid. The player mid got the biggest responsibility because they are closest in range of both runes. The mid lane gamer is also the one with the biggest need for runes since they are also in closest range of helping a gank and any runes can be crucial for the success of the gank.
From here on, there are three different survival items that will take you far and all cost slightly above 500 gold.
Are your enemies nukers? -![](
Get a bracer as fast as your last hitting can get you. One or two should be enough and since you got wards to insure your safety from the forest. In some cases this might have to support yourself by a attribute skill not to slow down your item build and item support for the rest of the team - Which is way more important then a slight damage boost from spell of any kind.
Are your enemies the type that can surprise with a lot of physical damage? -![](
Such as most orb-walkers and certain heroes with abilities that does physical damage or boost their attack speed. One or two should be enough. Same goes for wraith bands as for bracers. Are they trippin with a Dazzle and Ursa then get two wraith bands but always consider their potential.
Are your enemies heroes that generally cast a lot of spells? -![](
Remember that if they for some reason doesn't throw that much after you, don't buy the recipe right away since it is a slight waste of money. Instead go straight for the treads by buying Belt of Giant Strength or Boost of Speed for extra survivability. Then Magic Stick when your inventory is full.
All 4 are great but I recommend that you try to buy a maximum of three since will be forced to sell items way to early. Remember that you in most cases will be able to survive with one of these and bird support, until you get tier 1 items that will help your survival as well. Know your enemies and then afterwards consider weather or not to get two bracers, two wraith bands or one of each depending on their abilities.
While doing this remember to supply yourself with what ever you need of:
Tier 1
The ring Basilius gives your the extra edge in pushing which is even more amazing when playing Vengeful. In the end your creeps will give close to twice as much damage as your opponents creeps, considering the reduction and everything. It also provides you with even more mana reg that you will happily accept since it improves for chances to cast your spells.
Get this because:
Power Treads gives more strength for HP which if I may say it, is needed. More movement speed which is always great and more attack speed which is important to be effectively farming the forest and lanes since Vengeful doesn't have any AoE spell that gives a lot of damage. At this point you need to be able to give damage and do it fast while surviving.
you don't need to be faster than this at this point because you will hold your enemy down with Magic Missile and disable from a dominated creep. If you play pups, you could probably change it to agility for better last hitting or int to better cast wave but the rest of you will know the psychology in having above a specific amount of hp. Also helps illusions later on.
Item discussion:
I recommended Power Treads because they improve your survival in a fight, makes it easier to come around and have the attack speed you need to effectively forest and lane. Both of these items lack the first and the last part of my argument. You might survive because you can run but Vengeful Spirit wasn't meant to run. She got a base ms on 295 and wasn't meant to chase anyone. Her spells were made for keeping the enemy seated while beaten.
You could consider getting BoT after you got The Butterfly for attack speed - If you ever get there. Until then keep buying Scroll of teleport with your courier.
Get this because:
As already explained above - You want to keep your enemies down while killing them. It is also the ultimate survival item later on, due to the damage she can unfold especially with critical damage from Crystalys/Buriza. Your damage/lifesteal will be so devastating that you will never see the fountain again. It also keeps you alive when you have to swap someone in or out. Your hero also pretty much improves the dominated creeps damage with 50% on average because of the armor reduction and damage improvement and is therefore a big welcoming item for the hero.
Item discussion:
Some would say that Desolater is a better choice of orb effect and I will have to disagree with this statement.
The core reason for this is that I bought Power Treads because of my believe in keeping the enemies seated and then beaten to the ground is better then running after them. Another big reason why I get HotD is the cost. The Desolater costs 237% more then HotD and HotD does the job just as well, since you will be able to boost your dominated creeps damage like insane, while providing you with a chance to upgrade and a easy survival tool for the rest of the game.
A great overall item but the fact remains that few heroes can boost their creeps as Vengeful Spirit can.
It also leaves the unanswered question about a hp reg item. Both Hood of Defiance and Vanguard are great but Vengeful Spirit doesn't benefit as much from them as she does from HotD.
Great for survival, not great for ganging and upgrading while it leaves the question about the potential of boosting creeps. Which is the reason why I excluded the item.
Would do great with Manta Style but still leaves us with the question about survivability but a great candidate for disabling and killing.
Most important is it that like all other orb effects, it leaves the potential of creep damage out. Also way more expensive then any of the other first tier item and would therefore be way riskier to take in a time with low survivability from ganks. While you should be foresting you aren't able to do so without HotD and laning is out of the question which leaves you with ganking the enemies which is risky and the chances are uncertain while still considering your own HP and damage.
Get this because:
With this items turned we hit my core idea of balance between survival, disable and damage. This item will improve your damage for the first time drastically and it what you need. Holding your enemies down was all you needed before but it wont last. This is why you get Crystalys.
It is my intuition from so many games that tells me that a dps item is the next in the line. At this point you are foresting and ganking on full time. Nothing else and that is how you want it to be, after they get the information about your disabling they will have an eye out for you but it won't help them your stun range and creep's disable will be great enough to kill them on the spot with some additional damage. They turn on you? You keep on hitting, because you got lifesteal, extra damage from aura and creep and they got damage reduction and armor reduction. It's not a battle, it's a slaughter.
Later on you will learn a little about illusions and may think: "Hold on, direct damage? This item is all about direct damage!" Which is of course true, but illusions can use the critical ability, which you want to capitalize on as well.
Item discussion:
Cost more and is more of a fleeing item then anything else. You wont be able to surprise anyone, since you got a creep coming in from the forest anyhow.
If you are amazing at microing and want to take the next step forward in being awesome with your items and skills, then use this. The damage and strengh will effect your illusions, while the item won't drain their HP. You will already have your hands full with illusions, dominated creeps and your own spells. If you are the man for it, do ahead. It might be just as effective at this point - though in the long run, your overall damage output will be better with Crystalys and further on Buriza while being more manageable.
Tier 2
This wonderful item is another overall great item. It got what you need once again. MS for the faster paste, lots of HP, damage and some more mana so you can continue to cast your spells all over the place. Now you can even swap in use this and run in the confusions if you have to save someone. Or activate, cast wave of terror, swap - Your illusions start attacking the enemy, they start running or have to orientate, you cast Magic Missile and disable with a creep. Before they know of it, they are dead... Dead. Suddenly you can gang on your premise and not on theirs.
Remember that illusions only gain damage from stats and that any direct damage items, such as strygian desolator is a waste. It is all about the stats and certain abilities.
For more Information on illusions click here.
Another great overall item that is a must for your newly acquired dps build. Because you want to get even bigger and better. This time around more disable is probably needed and you are a great candidate for it. With this item you will never have to think about mana again.
Tier 3
Another circle in my philosophy around damage, survival and disable. This is the damage.
Here comes the Hp and insane lifesteal. No one will in a 1 on 1 give enough damage to kill you before you can turn around and attack. And in doing so you will steal so much hp that there shouldn't be an argue about who is dieing between you and your foe.
Next time around it comes to some more disable. Disable of psychical damage in the sense of evasion.
It also helps your illusions to stay alive.
I've never been in a game that made me go here but there is no doubt that this item is worth it.
I recommended basilius ring so why shouldn't I also takes these for more lane pushing?
The reason for this is that your pushing abilities are already way better then most. While Basilius ring gives you a mana bonus that also improves your heroes personal offensive side, none of the above do so. They would simply be a waste of money and a waste of inventory space.
It doesn't effect illusions and should therefore be the least likable in your consideration of the items. Beside that, your hero weren't meant to be picked on by creeps of any kind and you should therefore instead consider a wraith band.
You should be able to make some interesting combo's swapping in and then disappearing for saving and attacking.
My only reason for not getting this is that I would much rather get Manta for AS, MS and HP and afterward it does to little to late. Also Guinsoo is great!
It is my biggest regret that I don't have this in my item build because it sounds so awesome and give a stable stat bonus for a supporter like yourself.
First off, the mana cost on Nether Swap is so high that you aren't able to sustain the full potential of swapping people in and out all the time. Some might say that you could get it late after a mana reg item such as guinsoo but at this time the game is already over or you want to take full potential of your damage heavy illusions and your aura shines like no other which means that getting any dps item will be far better at this point.
Linken's Sphere is great for everything at any time. But costly and I would much rather get Manta Style for most situations. I compare them because they cost are close to the same and if you're good you can disable most spells as well with Manta Style.
Great once again but at the time I would get this, I would get butterfly because of evasion and stats, also the aura doesn't work on illusions and upgrading to satanic or buriza are way cheaper.
No stats for illusions and butterfly is therefore better with evasion and everything.
Also a possibility. If you want. Though there is no really need for it. If someone can kill you when you got 3000 hp they can probably also kill you with 4000 hp. But by all means - what floats your boat.
Actually much more interesting then anything else. You swap in put in on and see who bites. You got the HP so maybe it is one of the best calls out their if you must.
Interesting but I would much rather have guinsoo.
If you got a great disable team and need some silence, go for it. You can easily use the damage amplifier if the enemies are kept down by someone else. Though remember that you only stats you will get is intelligence, which means that your illusions won't get more hp or damage as they would with guinsoo.
Vengeful Spirit is great in all lanes and I believe that both builds work both places though the pusher build use less mana and is therefore way better in the sides. If you go mid you should try to capitalize on bottle and runes which means that you will be able to use a vast amount of mana which you should get the full potential out of and be casting a lot of magic missiles.
If you get one of the side lanes you should should use the money you got from not having to buy a bottle on a tp scroll and capitalize on your ability to come out of no where to gank and push with an unexpected power.
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Core Build |
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Survival Tools |
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Situation Dependent Survival Tools - 1 Required - 3 Recommended |
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Tier 1 Build |
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Tier 2 Build |
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Tier 3 Build |
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Tier 4 Build |
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Table of Content
- - Hero Introduction
- - Background Story
- - Stats
- - Skills
- - The Pusher Build
- - The Roamer Build
- - Lane Discussion
Hero Introduction
The Vengeful Spirit is a great hero and I would love to ramble on with all my great stories of triumph with this lady but lets try to keep everything on a minimum and get to the point. The biggest reason why I love playing Vengeful Spirit is that when people sees her and know I am going for them it is most of the time already to late. Saving someone with 10 hp is an amazing feeling for everyone. Especially because a rescue with nether swap most of the time also give a free kill because the enemy will be having low HP as well. So lets get started and see where we end up?Oh one more thing.
To understand where I am coming from I am of the believing that any sec used at fountain is a wasted second and the second you can't cast a spell because of low mana cost you are losing out on your potential.
- Great roamer.
- Great supporter.
- Don't ever get close to fountain.
- Don't get low on mana.
Background Story
I've been playing her like a mad man, making the weirdest builds and rethinking my strategies and I really believe I got the most out of her potential with this build.![](
Magic Missile
Magic Missile is a simple awesome nuke. It stuns, it gives amazing damage and it's always surprise people how dangerous the spell is.
The problem can be to have enough mana to support it but their is of course a solution for that as well. I will come back on this in the item section.
Remember always to cast it if the enemies goes back a second to late so the creeps can get an attack in as well. This way you can get the most out of your wave of terror effect as well.
- Issues with mana
Wave of Terror
Wave of Terror is a great spell and I probably cast it over twice as much as I cast Magic Missile. The reason for this is that it gives sight and has a low stable mana cost. It has the opportunity of being one of the best support and hunting spells out their, in my opinion. Because as long as you know what you are doing, you will have no trouble being within sight of the enemies you and your team are chasing. The importance of sight gets more and more important as you get better because knowing - is half the battle.
Remember that Wave of Terror has the biggest impact early on, versus later because the enemy heroes will have better items with armor bonuses or agility bonuses. Before you know it they will have over 10 armor and Wave of Terror's golden days will be gone.
Remember that you are able to pull camps with it as well.
- Cast it often to keep enemies away and get awareness.
- Get the ability early game.
Command Aura
Command Aura is a great passive though you should think twice of choosing it in your early game. Early game it is close to be a free quelling blade which you should rather buy if you're really that bad at last hitting. The great thing about the command aura is the extra damage given to your creeps that will make it easier for you to push - With that said, the alternatives for use of skill points are way better in my opinion.
- Great aura for ally units.
- Think twice about getting it early.
Nether Swap
This ultimate is so unique and extraordinary that the sky is the limit. Because of it's, in many ways, weird effect it has some really useful ways of disabling spells such as charge of darkness or a incoming bolt of damage. It is also a fearsome offensive attack because you are able to rip the enemy team's "front line" apart or saving your teammates from the heat of battle. Note that this might not always be the best choice at level 6 compared to leveling your wave of terror since swap really isn't that game changing in a offensive attack if you already got a teammate ready to disable.
- Sky is the limit.
- Great for rescuing.
- Consider not to get it at level 6.
Skill Build
This guide will take you through two dynamic builds that ends up in the same aggressive disable build. Lets go!_________________________________________________
Picking the right spell for the right time.
I believe that Magic Missile is the best start ability of them all. You want the 1.75 stun if something unpredictable comes around. Next spell should always be Wave of Terror do to the sight it gives. If you are good at calculating cast time and encounter, you can also last hit with it and pull camps but core idea of throwing it, is to know your surrounding and scare the enemies away, such as Pudge, and it do so effectively because its awesome effect. From here it is much more a judgement call which I will try to guide you through.Memo
- Get magic missile.
- Then wave of terror.
The Pusher Build
Skill Build:Magic Missile |
Wave of Terror |
Command Aura |
Wave of Terror |
Command Aura |
Nether Swap |
Wave of Terror |
Command Aura |
Wave of Terror |
Command Aura |
Nether Swap |
Magic Missile |
Magic Missile |
Magic Missile |
Attribute Bonus |
Nether Swap |
Attribute Bonus |
Attribute Bonus |
Attribute Bonus |
Attribute Bonus |
Attribute Bonus |
Attribute Bonus |
Attribute Bonus |
Attribute Bonus |
Attribute Bonus |
Vengeful Spirit got some of the best opportunities for being a great pusher and her command aura and Wave of Terror makes pushing the easiest thing ever invented. If everything goes right. This build will make you able to push the first tower in all three lanes in no time. The main focus is to support the creeps and ward the forest/runes while the courier gives you potions and tangos. Don't go further then the first tower because of the early push of first tower your hero will be in no shape for a gank on you of any kind. Depending on how well your lane is doing you can always deviate from the build by taking a magic missile along the ride so you don't waste skill point on creeps for no reason.
When the pushing is done you should be able to get HotD and turn to the forest to dominate a creep and start ganging like there was no tomorrow. If it isn't possible, forest since your HotD will make you able to do it permanently while your team gain exp from their lanes.
If everything turns to shit because they focus you like your where made of glass. Pick bonus attributes. I know it hurts but your experience bar and money capital will thank you later.
- Improve on your ability to push.
- Unstable but different.
The Roamer Build
Skill Build:Magic Missile |
Wave of Terror |
Magic Missile |
Wave of Terror |
Magic Missile |
Nether Swap |
Magic Missile |
Wave of Terror |
Command Aura |
Command Aura |
Nether Swap |
Command Aura |
Command Aura |
Attribute Bonus |
Attribute Bonus |
Nether Swap |
Attribute Bonus |
Attribute Bonus |
Attribute Bonus |
Attribute Bonus |
Attribute Bonus |
Attribute Bonus |
Attribute Bonus |
Attribute Bonus |
This is of course the most obvious magic missile focused build. So you lurk around and play it cool. Last hit here and there, which can be a bit hard in the start depending on what situational survival items you choose to buy. You wait and you wait. Cast your nuke once for twice before level 6 just to keep them away, and you already got the ring of basilius so your mana reg is in tact, so you go somewhere he can't see you, throw wave of terror from the shadows, so he thinks you are around and at the time he realize that you are gone rouge, you should already be ganking a new target. Now depending on your friends and their lane control another level in wave of terror might be better than a nether swap if you gank to the sides. Nether swap is almost always a better choice mid because of the ledges. If you die at any given time, the rule is that you take in stat at level 4 or if they are taking over in the lane.
- Stay defensive until level 3+
- Keep it cool till 5+
- Throw wave of terror to trick the enemy to think you are in lane.
- Kill his friend in another lane.
- Take stats if playing more than pubs.
Item Build
No memos from here - explanation is need.
No memos from here - explanation is need.
First off - Vengeful Spirit of all heroes were meant to buy wards and a courier, if someone want to share the burden and upgrade or place wards, let them do so, but you got to have this covered. You need these two things as a part of your core build - always. At level 6 and further on you will get more out of wards then pretty much everyone else. It is way better to swap an enemy that thinks he is out of sight and waiting for a friend then swapping him thinking he was alone, only to realize that they were rallying somewhere nasty. Beside that your hero doesn't need to rush any items to succeed in doing what she want. She will get her money from creeps and the towers she leaves in the dust. So buy wards and a fully upgraded courier instead. The main focus is to stay roaming for experience and kills, while thinking about what is best for the team.
If you don't know where to put the wards press here.
Vengeful Spirit is in no hurry to get extra ordinary things. Vengeful Spirit need the experience and to do so, you will do wise to adapt to your enemies.
Depending on what lane you are going, watch who you are against and then buy what you need from there.
Before we go into the rest of the item build discussion there is one item that is map dependent in my opinion.
I will recommend that you only buy bottle if you are mid. The player mid got the biggest responsibility because they are closest in range of both runes. The mid lane gamer is also the one with the biggest need for runes since they are also in closest range of helping a gank and any runes can be crucial for the success of the gank.
From here on, there are three different survival items that will take you far and all cost slightly above 500 gold.
Are your enemies nukers? -
Get a bracer as fast as your last hitting can get you. One or two should be enough and since you got wards to insure your safety from the forest. In some cases this might have to support yourself by a attribute skill not to slow down your item build and item support for the rest of the team - Which is way more important then a slight damage boost from spell of any kind.
Are your enemies the type that can surprise with a lot of physical damage? -
Such as most orb-walkers and certain heroes with abilities that does physical damage or boost their attack speed. One or two should be enough. Same goes for wraith bands as for bracers. Are they trippin with a Dazzle and Ursa then get two wraith bands but always consider their potential.
Are your enemies heroes that generally cast a lot of spells? -
Remember that if they for some reason doesn't throw that much after you, don't buy the recipe right away since it is a slight waste of money. Instead go straight for the treads by buying Belt of Giant Strength or Boost of Speed for extra survivability. Then Magic Stick when your inventory is full.
All 4 are great but I recommend that you try to buy a maximum of three since will be forced to sell items way to early. Remember that you in most cases will be able to survive with one of these and bird support, until you get tier 1 items that will help your survival as well. Know your enemies and then afterwards consider weather or not to get two bracers, two wraith bands or one of each depending on their abilities.
While doing this remember to supply yourself with what ever you need of:
Tier 1
The ring Basilius gives your the extra edge in pushing which is even more amazing when playing Vengeful. In the end your creeps will give close to twice as much damage as your opponents creeps, considering the reduction and everything. It also provides you with even more mana reg that you will happily accept since it improves for chances to cast your spells.
Get this because:
Power Treads gives more strength for HP which if I may say it, is needed. More movement speed which is always great and more attack speed which is important to be effectively farming the forest and lanes since Vengeful doesn't have any AoE spell that gives a lot of damage. At this point you need to be able to give damage and do it fast while surviving.
you don't need to be faster than this at this point because you will hold your enemy down with Magic Missile and disable from a dominated creep. If you play pups, you could probably change it to agility for better last hitting or int to better cast wave but the rest of you will know the psychology in having above a specific amount of hp. Also helps illusions later on.
Item discussion:
I recommended Power Treads because they improve your survival in a fight, makes it easier to come around and have the attack speed you need to effectively forest and lane. Both of these items lack the first and the last part of my argument. You might survive because you can run but Vengeful Spirit wasn't meant to run. She got a base ms on 295 and wasn't meant to chase anyone. Her spells were made for keeping the enemy seated while beaten.
You could consider getting BoT after you got The Butterfly for attack speed - If you ever get there. Until then keep buying Scroll of teleport with your courier.
Get this because:
As already explained above - You want to keep your enemies down while killing them. It is also the ultimate survival item later on, due to the damage she can unfold especially with critical damage from Crystalys/Buriza. Your damage/lifesteal will be so devastating that you will never see the fountain again. It also keeps you alive when you have to swap someone in or out. Your hero also pretty much improves the dominated creeps damage with 50% on average because of the armor reduction and damage improvement and is therefore a big welcoming item for the hero.
Item discussion:
Some would say that Desolater is a better choice of orb effect and I will have to disagree with this statement.
The core reason for this is that I bought Power Treads because of my believe in keeping the enemies seated and then beaten to the ground is better then running after them. Another big reason why I get HotD is the cost. The Desolater costs 237% more then HotD and HotD does the job just as well, since you will be able to boost your dominated creeps damage like insane, while providing you with a chance to upgrade and a easy survival tool for the rest of the game.
A great overall item but the fact remains that few heroes can boost their creeps as Vengeful Spirit can.
It also leaves the unanswered question about a hp reg item. Both Hood of Defiance and Vanguard are great but Vengeful Spirit doesn't benefit as much from them as she does from HotD.
Great for survival, not great for ganging and upgrading while it leaves the question about the potential of boosting creeps. Which is the reason why I excluded the item.
Would do great with Manta Style but still leaves us with the question about survivability but a great candidate for disabling and killing.
Most important is it that like all other orb effects, it leaves the potential of creep damage out. Also way more expensive then any of the other first tier item and would therefore be way riskier to take in a time with low survivability from ganks. While you should be foresting you aren't able to do so without HotD and laning is out of the question which leaves you with ganking the enemies which is risky and the chances are uncertain while still considering your own HP and damage.
Get this because:
With this items turned we hit my core idea of balance between survival, disable and damage. This item will improve your damage for the first time drastically and it what you need. Holding your enemies down was all you needed before but it wont last. This is why you get Crystalys.
It is my intuition from so many games that tells me that a dps item is the next in the line. At this point you are foresting and ganking on full time. Nothing else and that is how you want it to be, after they get the information about your disabling they will have an eye out for you but it won't help them your stun range and creep's disable will be great enough to kill them on the spot with some additional damage. They turn on you? You keep on hitting, because you got lifesteal, extra damage from aura and creep and they got damage reduction and armor reduction. It's not a battle, it's a slaughter.
Later on you will learn a little about illusions and may think: "Hold on, direct damage? This item is all about direct damage!" Which is of course true, but illusions can use the critical ability, which you want to capitalize on as well.
Item discussion:
If you are amazing at microing and want to take the next step forward in being awesome with your items and skills, then use this. The damage and strengh will effect your illusions, while the item won't drain their HP. You will already have your hands full with illusions, dominated creeps and your own spells. If you are the man for it, do ahead. It might be just as effective at this point - though in the long run, your overall damage output will be better with Crystalys and further on Buriza while being more manageable.
Tier 2
This wonderful item is another overall great item. It got what you need once again. MS for the faster paste, lots of HP, damage and some more mana so you can continue to cast your spells all over the place. Now you can even swap in use this and run in the confusions if you have to save someone. Or activate, cast wave of terror, swap - Your illusions start attacking the enemy, they start running or have to orientate, you cast Magic Missile and disable with a creep. Before they know of it, they are dead... Dead. Suddenly you can gang on your premise and not on theirs.
Remember that illusions only gain damage from stats and that any direct damage items, such as strygian desolator is a waste. It is all about the stats and certain abilities.
For more Information on illusions click here.
Another great overall item that is a must for your newly acquired dps build. Because you want to get even bigger and better. This time around more disable is probably needed and you are a great candidate for it. With this item you will never have to think about mana again.
Tier 3
Another circle in my philosophy around damage, survival and disable. This is the damage.
Here comes the Hp and insane lifesteal. No one will in a 1 on 1 give enough damage to kill you before you can turn around and attack. And in doing so you will steal so much hp that there shouldn't be an argue about who is dieing between you and your foe.
Next time around it comes to some more disable. Disable of psychical damage in the sense of evasion.
It also helps your illusions to stay alive.
I've never been in a game that made me go here but there is no doubt that this item is worth it.
Items to avoid
I recommended basilius ring so why shouldn't I also takes these for more lane pushing?
The reason for this is that your pushing abilities are already way better then most. While Basilius ring gives you a mana bonus that also improves your heroes personal offensive side, none of the above do so. They would simply be a waste of money and a waste of inventory space.
It doesn't effect illusions and should therefore be the least likable in your consideration of the items. Beside that, your hero weren't meant to be picked on by creeps of any kind and you should therefore instead consider a wraith band.
Items to consider
You should be able to make some interesting combo's swapping in and then disappearing for saving and attacking.
My only reason for not getting this is that I would much rather get Manta for AS, MS and HP and afterward it does to little to late. Also Guinsoo is great!
It is my biggest regret that I don't have this in my item build because it sounds so awesome and give a stable stat bonus for a supporter like yourself.
First off, the mana cost on Nether Swap is so high that you aren't able to sustain the full potential of swapping people in and out all the time. Some might say that you could get it late after a mana reg item such as guinsoo but at this time the game is already over or you want to take full potential of your damage heavy illusions and your aura shines like no other which means that getting any dps item will be far better at this point.
Linken's Sphere is great for everything at any time. But costly and I would much rather get Manta Style for most situations. I compare them because they cost are close to the same and if you're good you can disable most spells as well with Manta Style.
Great once again but at the time I would get this, I would get butterfly because of evasion and stats, also the aura doesn't work on illusions and upgrading to satanic or buriza are way cheaper.
No stats for illusions and butterfly is therefore better with evasion and everything.
Also a possibility. If you want. Though there is no really need for it. If someone can kill you when you got 3000 hp they can probably also kill you with 4000 hp. But by all means - what floats your boat.
Actually much more interesting then anything else. You swap in put in on and see who bites. You got the HP so maybe it is one of the best calls out their if you must.
Interesting but I would much rather have guinsoo.
If you got a great disable team and need some silence, go for it. You can easily use the damage amplifier if the enemies are kept down by someone else. Though remember that you only stats you will get is intelligence, which means that your illusions won't get more hp or damage as they would with guinsoo.
Lane Discussion
Vengeful Spirit is great in all lanes and I believe that both builds work both places though the pusher build use less mana and is therefore way better in the sides. If you go mid you should try to capitalize on bottle and runes which means that you will be able to use a vast amount of mana which you should get the full potential out of and be casting a lot of magic missiles.
If you get one of the side lanes you should should use the money you got from not having to buy a bottle on a tp scroll and capitalize on your ability to come out of no where to gank and push with an unexpected power.
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